
Study, training and family visits to eliminate social isolation (As they raised me)

Summary of the document:

The document addresses the “Study, Training and Family Visits to Eliminate Social Isolation” project for the elderly in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The document provides a comprehensive overview of the impact of social isolation on the elderly and reviews efforts to reduce it through training programs and family visits. This study aims to promote social cohesion and improve the quality of life for the elderly, while highlighting the importance of the role of the family and society in supporting this group. The document is based on statistics and field research and provides recommendations for improving care strategies.


  • Introduction: Provides a background on the issue of social isolation and the importance of studying it among the elderly in Saudi society.
  • Problem statement and research questions: To clarify the issues related to social isolation and its negative impact on the mental and physical health of the elderly.
  • Objectives of the study: Defines the objectives of the study, including understanding the prevalence of social isolation and ways to reduce it.
  • Significance of the study: The importance of studying social isolation and its impact on the elderly and how to address it.
  • Methodology of the study: Describes the methods and techniques that were used to collect and analyze data.
  • Statistics on the elderly in Saudi Arabia: Provides statistics related to the elderly, such as geographic distribution and marital status.
  • Services for the elderly: Summarizes the services available to seniors by government agencies.
  • Recommendations: A set of recommendations for stakeholders to improve care for the elderly.


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