• Conducting a situational analysis of children
• Setting prioirities for the joint cooperation program. In early October, three priorities were agreed upon during 2019 -2023, including promoting early childhood development, developing the use and collection of data related to child well-being, enhancing national monitoring and evaluation systems, and addressing violence against children.
• Establishing a mechanism for implementing priorities, which was discussed during a workshop held on November 1, 2017 at the Council’s headquarters. This workshop outlined the scope of work and expected outcomes for the next five years.
• Securing governmental support for priorities and implementation mechanisms for inclusion in the joint cooperation program: The Family Affairs Council, as the official representative of the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in this partnership, must formally approve the identified priorities, implementation mechanisms, and scope of work by the end of November 2017. This approval is essential to initiate the implementation process ahead of the formal submission to the Executive Council. Recommendations include the organizational and legislative activation of the identified priorities.