"Ask an Expert" is an innovative and unique interview series hosted by the Family Affairs Council, where experts and specialists in fields relevant to families, women, children, and the elderly are invited. The aim is to raise awareness about health, education, and other issues, reflecting the Council's commitment to addressing family concerns and priorities.
Document Summary This document presents an interview with Dr. Mohammed bin Yahya Al-Harbi, Chairman of the Central Diabetes Committee at the Ministry of Health, discussing...
Document Summary This document features an interview with Prof. Dr. Majida Al-Najem, a Professor of Social Work at King Saud University, discussing the topic of...
Document Summary This document features an interview with Dr. Reham Fouad Qassas, a marriage and family therapy consultant, discussing how women can navigate the psychological...
Document Summary This document addresses breast cancer, one of the most prevalent types of cancer globally, with an increasing incidence rate. It emphasizes the importance...