His Highness Prince Jalawi bin Abdulaziz bin Musaed, Emir of Najran, received today at the Emirate Diwan the Director General of Regions Affairs at the Ministry of Interior, Chairman of the Family Affairs Committee of the Family Affairs Council, Dr. Abdullah bin Mohammed Al Saqr, Director of Council Affairs at the Ministry, Shahir bin Shihab Al Janfawi, Secretaries of the Kingdom’s Regions Councils, and heads of Family Affairs Councils, in the presence of His Highness Prince Abdulrahman bin Mishari bin Ayyaf.
During the reception, His Highness emphasized the importance of the role played by regional councils in supporting development plans, achieving their sustainability, setting priorities, and following up on the implementation of approved plans, strategies and projects at the state and regional levels. Prince Jalawi bin Abdulaziz praised the important role of family affairs councils in contributing to the realization of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, one of whose pillars is based on creating a vibrant society, which can only be achieved through the family. For his part, the Director General of Regional Affairs expressed his thanks to His Highness the Emir for the warm reception and the good organization of the Najran region’s hosting of the meeting of regional council secretaries and heads of family affairs councils.