
Family Affairs Council and GASTAT sign memorandum of cooperation

The Family Affairs Council (FAC) signed a memorandum of cooperation with the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) to exchange experiences and transfer knowledge between them.

The memorandum, signed by the Secretary General of the Family Affairs Council, Dr. Maymouna Khalil Al Khalil, and the President of the General Authority for Statistics, Dr. Fahad Abdullah Al Dosari, aims to raise the level of cooperation between the two parties, enhance coordination and integration of efforts in the field of their competencies, establish a general framework for joint activities and tasks, and develop their institutional capabilities to serve common interests and goals.

According to the three-year terms, the areas of cooperation between the two parties include the exchange of information and data according to each party’s specialization, cooperation in issuing statistical bulletins that concern the family, exchange of support and technical and knowledge expertise, providing the opportunity for participation and attendance for the employees of both parties to developmental courses, seminars, scientific conferences and workshops, and exchange of advice in the field of their specializations.
