The Family Affairs Council will host a training of trainers course on the Supporting Child Rights through Education, Arts, and Media (SCREAM) program, organized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in cooperation with the International Labor Organization (ILO), in order to activate the work of the National Plan for the Prevention of Child Labor in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, specifically the awareness activities directed at those responsible for preparing the community, in the presence of a group of representatives of the relevant authorities.
The Secretary General of the Family Affairs Council, Dr. Maymouna Al Khalil, opened the five-day training program with a speech during which she reviewed the most prominent components of the national policy to prevent child labor in Saudi Arabia, and the importance of integrating the roles of government and private sectors and entities to activate it.
The program aims to empower national capacities to contribute to the fight against child labor through SCREAM’s participatory approach, which raises awareness and equips participants with the tools to take action. Through arts and media, the complex issue of child labor is made accessible to children and adolescents. This methodology encourages critical thinking and problem solving, empowering youth to envision and implement community-based solutions to combat child labor. By informing and engaging youth, the program creates a multiplier effect, as these young people influence their peers, families and communities.
It is worth mentioning that the program comes as part of a package of initiatives that the Council is working on in cooperation and coordination between the relevant authorities to meet the safety and security needs of children, based on its role in raising awareness of the rights and duties of family members.