The Family Affairs Council and the Child Welfare Association signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to provide the necessary support to spread awareness and enhance family awareness of everything related to childhood by implementing initiatives, programs, research and activating child-related events. The Council was represented by Secretary-General Dr. Hala bint Mazeed Al-Tuwaijri, while the Society’s Chairman of the Board of Directors, Ms. Al-Jawhara bint Fahad Al-Ajaji, signed the memorandum. The two parties agreed to define the framework of joint cooperation in the field of social responsibility, and coordination between them to implement programs, initiatives and activities that serve children, as well as cooperation in preparing research and studies related to the child, preparing publications and guidelines for breastfeeding, in addition to cooperation in activating child-related events.
The Family Affairs Council seeks to achieve its objectives aimed at strengthening and promoting the role of the family in society and preserving it as a strong and cohesive family that cares for its children and adheres to religious and moral values and ideals, through the implementation of joint programs with the relevant authorities, while the Child Welfare Association shares the Council’s interest and responsibility in the application, implementation and dissemination of social responsibility, which qualifies the two parties to enhance joint work and implement related activities. The Child Welfare Association implements a number of programs that aim to raise the level of child care, provide educational and awareness support to the family and child caregivers, raise community awareness of the importance of the childhood stage and its characteristics, benefit from and attract the expertise of others, and form a house of expertise to be used to support and support children. On this occasion, Dr. Hala Al-Tuwaijri stressed that the MoU came out of the Council’s interest in enhancing community awareness and empowering the family to play its roles in society, and activating partnerships with all parties, including the third sector, where we aim with this agreement with the Child Welfare Association to enhance community awareness of the childhood stage in particular to achieve the common goals between the Council and the Association.